Serenity Blue Healing

What I offer:

Healing sessions: we can work on anything

Caretaker Stress




EMF stress

Vaccine stress

Repetitive thought



Lack of Confidence

Slow thinking

Curse removal

Past life stress

Raising spiritual frequency

30 minute session $45

1 hour session $85

2 hour session $170

This is not a guarantee of success. Some work takes more than one session. Every client is different and your participation makes all the difference.

Deep sessions can take about 2 hours. However, if you have time limitations, we can certainly work around that.

Appointments can be in person at the Institute for Specialized Medicine in San Diego, California

[email protected] | 858-794-9192

or distance work,

(by phone or online web meeting).

Contact me: [email protected]

Type of Healing

My job is to remove the stressors and blockages you have in order for you to heal yourself. if you want to dance in life’s sunshine, but cannot, we look for the deepest reasons and dissolve the difficulties. In this way, kinesiology is similar to counseling, with the added benefit of using the body's pressure points.

I am trained in Energy Kinesiology. Kinesiology is the study of movement, so this is all about the movement of energy through the body. It's tricky to explain, but essentially I create a web of energetic information around your body, taking into account your idiosyncrasies and working with it.

Desiree Serenity Blue

I am a trained kinesiologist living in San Diego, California. I have worked hundreds of energetic healings, commonly called balances or corrections.

Like many professionals, I spend a fair amount of time in study and training. I have studied abroad in Kiev, Ukraine and Freiburg, Germany as well as Salt Lake City and in San Diego. In 2020-21, I continued to study abroad (South America and Australia), but via Zoom.

In my free time, I like to play board games, paint and draw. You can see my daily artwork here: @welcome_the_day on instagram.

The Healer’s Song

The healer's song is a collection of healing tones that I sing, or hum, as I work on a client. The notes serve to add intensity and focus to the energy as it does its work. Sound moves through physical mediums, such as air, water, or bodies. It also moves through spiritual mediums, such as auras and light bodies. Each song is unique to the client and situation.

Will you sing the whole time?  No, it's likely to get pretty quiet at times. In fact, a lot of clients drift off to sleep while I work, waking to the song.

Art Therapy

I have used art therapy in order to get through certain blockages and integration challenges. This can be combined with a kinesiology session or done on its own. I will teach you how to use paper and ink to create a drawing designed to relieve hidden stressors. (No art skill or experience required.)

Note: If doing an online session, you will need to provide your own pen and paper. (crayons, pencils, whatever seems fun for you)